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Would You Like to Help?

There are many ways in which you can support this cause. The following are some of the most important.

Donate to CAT

CAT has no paid employees—we are all volunteers. We have no source of funding and rely on donations to support our activities and the CAT cause in general. A small portion of the donations goes towards producing educational materials (flyers, magnets, and similar) and outreach activities on campus; the rest we give to nonprofit organizations that have agreements with Caltech to perform veterinary care, feeding, spay/neuter, vaccination, temporary housing and emergency care for the Campus population of feral cats.

If you believe in these goals and want to help, here are some things you can do:

If you are a company or offer services, CAT can use donations of items such as the following:

Volunteer Your Time, Caring and Talent

We’re a friendly, caring bunch, and we can use more help in many ways. Please contact us if you would like to get involved.

How to Send Donations of Money to CAT

The Collegiate Animal Team has an account at the Caltech Credit Union. We are currently prepared to accept donations in the following ways:

Sending a check directly to the Credit Union:

You may write checks to “CAT Acct. #1367197” and bring it in person to the Caltech Credit Union, or send it to the Credit Union via Caltech/JPL campus mail at mail stop MS/100-63, or mail it via regular US mail to one of the Credit Union office locations.

Please note: because of how the Credit Union takes the donations, we do not receive information about who gave them, only that they were made. If you wish to remain anonymous, this is a good way to do it, but we would be happy to send you at least a token of thanks. If you do not need to remain anonymous, sending your donations to the CAT Treasurers (below) is a better alternative so that we can send you a word of appreciation!

Sending a check to the CAT Treasurers:

Our CAT co-Treasurers are Linda Curtis and Rosemary Miller, and you may send donations care of either of them. Please make sure to write checks to “CAT Acct. #1367197”. The full mailing addresses are:

Linda Curtis or   Rosemary Miller
Caltech MS/1-39     P.O. Box 61044
1200 E. California Blvd.     Pasadena, CA 91116
Pasadena, CA 91125