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CAT owns 2 humane traps. To borrow one for TNR or to rescue an animal, email: help@collegiateanimalteam.org.

Kitten Pack

We have an emergency kitten pack on campus. It contains:
- hot water bottle
- microwavable warmer
- fleece blankets
- terry cloth towel
- cotton balls
- cotton pads
- nursing bottles
- KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement)

If you find unweaned kittens on campus and need something from the Kitten Pack, email: help@collegiateanimalteam.org or call 395-3375.

NOTE: Unless you are sure the mother cat is no longer taking care of the kittens, or have reason to think that they're in danger, please do not remove young kittens. Please do call (395-3375) or email (help@collegiateanimalteam.org)us and let us know where the kittens are.